Monday, November 5, 2012

i'll be alright

i can't express the feeling when you know you can do better but due to some obstacles you failed. it hurts you even more when you know you have lost your focus, you have wasted your time. whatever it is, past is past. you can do nothing to change it except pray for the best from HIM. don't despair and never lose hopes. HE knows how much you have given your effort into it. thus, don't stop your pray.

We plan. HE plans. And yet HE is the best planner :)

sometimes it's better to say i'm okay rather than saying the truth that you are not okay actually. yes. it's quite ego. but i know eventually you will be alright though. you will be alright :)

till then, chill :) and keep your faith on HIM and HIS great plans for you...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

rasa yang dulu

code blue. membuat rasa itu kembali bercambah. ya. hidup memang akan bergelumang dengan pesakit, scalpel, darah, hidup dan mati seseorang. but, the passion is there. jadi, diri akan rasa puas.

hehh! salah kau sendiri sebab mengalah awal sangat dulu. tapi, rasanya pilihan untuk menjadi pendidik ini pun tak salah. dapat melihat senyum gembira si kecil apabila mendapat satu ilmu baru pasti menghadirkan rasa yang tak kurang indahnya.

sudahlah. jangan dikenang lagi perkara yang lepas. kau sudah melangkah di laluan baru yang kau pilih. tak dapat jadi doktor, jadi guru kepada bakal doktor pun bolehhh.. :)

fasa satu hampir berakhir. tahun depan melangkah ke alam degree pula. moga segalanya dipermudahkan.

"Rabbi yassir, wa la tu'assir. Rabbi tamim, bil khair."

-Oh, Allah make it easy and don't make it difficult. Oh, Allah end it with goodness.-